A young girl sitting on the floor in front of a pink tent

Why support creative children…

Fresh Artists hears from the grateful teachers we support


Why support creative children…

The May 19th kickoff of your ambitious and most welcome endeavor was terrific!” said Fresh Artists Art Teacher Judy Becker.

“As I came through the door, a young man named Rodney Clerge smiled at me and said, "I'm so glad to see you here." He was one of your "Fresh Artists" and one of my favorite and most talented students from when I was teaching at Roosevelt Middle School.  He is now a junior at Central High School.

“I can remember all he ever wanted to do was to draw with fine line roller pens,” she said.He drew on everything including his shoes.  I must have bought him a hundred of those pens over the course of the two years he was my student.

“It sure paid off,” said Becker. “ I couldn't have been more proud of him if he were my own son.  I thought he would make an extraordinarily good medical illustrator.  He is smart and can accurately pick out and draw the finest of details.  He says he is leaning towards architecture.  Seeing a student continue to pursue his talent is what makes teaching Art so rewarding and worthwhile.  Congratulations on launching this great event and thank you for Fresh Artists!  

“All most kids need is a little encouragement and the materials to do it.”

Judy Becker, Art Teacher, Greenfield Elementary School

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