A woman standing in front of a wall covered in colorful tiles

Advice to young entrepreneurs: "Keep your antennae up!"

Barbara’s keynote message to the one hundred area high school students who came together this weekend to attend the Tempus Young Entrepreneurs Conference at Jefferson’s East Falls campus: “Keep your antennae up, sensing things that need fixing or inventing. The solutions may be right under your nose!”


Advice to young entrepreneurs: "Keep your antennae up!"

Tempus conference

Barbara’s keynote message to the one hundred area high school students who came together this weekend to attend the Tempus Young Entrepreneurs Conference at Jefferson’s East Falls campus: “Keep your antennae up, sensing things that need fixing or inventing. The solutions may be right under your nose!”

If you need an example, just look at Fresh Arists our now iconic Chip Art program!

Kids from Carver, Dobbins, Imhotep Institute Charter, Delaware Design-Lab high schools and Kimberton Waldorf School launched the day with the hands-on experience of creating sunflowers using FA’s signature Behr Paint Chip Art program, facilitated by Master Art Teacher Robyn Miller. Much to the participants’ surprise, the day ended with a gee whiz presentation of a huge banner incorporating all of their artwork into one spectacular piece (created behind the scenes by FA magicians Roger Allen and Alex Boatman).

The art project illustrated the concept that getting feedback and "pieces of help" from others can make your entrepreneurial outcome stronger --  i.e. the single flowers they made wouldn't be nearly as impactful alone as the quilt of 94 pieced together.

Sponsored by the Triskeles Foundation, this annual forum introduces young adults to successful social entrepreneurs so they can learn from and be inspired by their stories.

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